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Museum of historical chamber pots and toilets

It all began in 2000, when we bought the devastated fortress. During its reconstruction, a stone formation emerging from an outer perimeter wall was discovered. It was a medieval room called a privete (from the Latin locus privatus). On the same wall, there was a baroque extension, in which a dry toilet with a pit was placed.
These two architectural details related to a common human need made us so interested that we chose to collect objects made for this purpose in different historical periods and to map out their history and development.
Obtaining written and pictorial information about such common but necessary components of human health and related subjects is rather complex. This area of hygiene is saddled with a powerful taboo as something better left unmentioned. This taboo is still affecting people till this day. Compared to collecting information, collecting and purchasing items is much easier. Initially, we visited auction houses, antique and junk shops. Today, we are also searching for items over the internet, which allows us to get rarities from all over the world. We also hear from sellers and donors who already know our museum. Today, we're only adding extraordinary pieces to the collection, items with an interesting history or craftsmanship. Our museum exhibit mots of the 2,800 items dated from the 15th century to the present. You can see chamber pots of various shapes, uses and materials, toilet chests, chairs, coach toilets and ceramic toilets. The collection also includes literature, postcards, paintings, jokes and many other little curiosities and personal hygiene items. The unique ones include the chamber pots made for Napoleon Bonaparte, Lincoln's bedroom in the White House, the Titanic, the Chinese Emperor Quianlong, toilets used in space, as well as French pots, bourdaloue, Spanish nativity figurines, kaganers, baroque flea traps, etc. The purpose of our museum is to dismantle the taboo around this aspect of human hygiene and to present related objects as highly aesthetic, artistic items associated with this neglected and intimate part of our culture. We hope that our exposition will attract, entertain and educate you a bit, though, as we say, "It's all about shi…"


Svatební holubi  Reality Prague  Kudy z nudy  KC "12"  Kdy Kde  Výletník