Open 22.2., 15.3., 12.4. (10:00-18:00)


Museum of historical chamber pots and toilets

the largest of its kind in the world

Visit the exhibition depository

V Potočkách 1020/6, Praha 412 Modřany

a few meters from the tram stop Čechova čtvrť

We have been running the Museum of Historical Chamber Pots and Toilets since 2010, first at Třebotov Fortress, and now in Prague. We lend objects to other museums and galleries for short-term thematic exhibitions and to film productions. The public can also view all items in the collection on the Museum’s website in the 3D tour and catalog.

In 2021 we received a “Czech Record Certificate” from the Good Day Agency (Agentura Dobrý den) for the “Largest Collection of Chamber Pots and Toilets”, and in 2022 we won the title "Record Holder of the Year in the field of collecting". In the same year, the first edition of this book won Third Place in the “Fine Arts Encyclopedia” category of the Dictionary of the Year competition organized by the Union of Interpreters and Translators. We continue our engagement with the topic, expanding both the collection and our knowledge.


We want to focus especially on all those who are still interested in this area of human hygiene, not only from a historical point of view, but with an overlap into the environmental future, incredible connections, many other attractions with the possibility of not only classical tours, but also lectures and workshops for all generations.

The exhibition depository is easily accessible by public transport or by private arrival with good parking options, in addition to the bike path and the possibility of good food in the immediate vicinity. The tour is suitable not only for individual visitors, but also for schools, suburban camps, senior programs, etc. 

The book "TOILETS, POTS AND OTHER CONTEXT" is on sale in the Czech version (1st edition 2020, 2nd edition 2023) and the English version "Toilets and Chamber Pots: History and Contexts" (1st edition 2023) are on sale in our e-shop. 

We are still preparing an ONLINE TOUR, which will hopefully be launched soon. In the electronic museum you will find about 2800 exhibits (with a detailed description of 500 objects directly in the 3D tour) from the period from the 15th century to the present. Here you can see potties of various shapes, uses and materials, urination vessels, trays, toilets, armchairs, carriage toilets and ceramic toilets. The collection also includes literature, postcards, paintings, jokes and many other small curiosities and personal hygiene items.


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