Purchases and gifts

If you own an object, which you think would fit into our collection, we would appreciate if you offered it to us. We can suggest a purchase price.

We wish to thank:
Our friend Láďa Kerndl for the chamber pot his grandmother taught him to use.

1a 1

Publicist Josef Klíma for the toilet from his family inheritance, which he got down from his attic.

2a 2b

Countess Mathilda Nostitz for the chamber pot bearing the Nostritz family crest used at Planá u Mariánských Lázní, which we got for sponsoring her Mathilda endowment fund that is helping the visually impaired.

3a  3b

And many other museum supporters and friends, who gifted us exhibits or who are informing us of valuable finds and providing interesting information relevant to the topic.



Svatební holubi  Reality Prague  Kudy z nudy  KC "12"  Kdy Kde  Výletník